Research shapes and transforms the world in which we live. Our research and economic analysis team explore its networks to gain new insights and knowledge to influence and improve our clients businesses.
We conduct in-depth research and analysis on a wide variety of industries including, Agriculture, Financial Services, Information and Communication Technology, Maritime, oil and Gas among others. We at BAA are proud to help re-shape the way leading companies’ structure and manage their business.
We offer the following services:
Feasibility Studies / Business Plans
New Business, Diversification into new areas and expansion of Existing Business
Environmental Scanning and Calibration
- Quarterly Economic Commentary on Nigeria– in publication and on subscription since July 1996 – now as requested by clients.
- Industry Survey– on request.
- Image Survey and Analysis– on request.
- Market data
- Market Intelligence and Specific Information Gathering– on request
- Bank and Company Acquisition
- Post-Merger/Acquisition Integration
- Problem Preemption Analysis
- Capital Raising Design and Memorandum
- Debt Recovery and Monitoring
- Editorial Services
- Rapporteur Services